IBL: Inquiry Based Learning in Practice
Date & locations
Granada, Spain​​
This course wants to:
Raise awareness on IBL methodology;
Explore and discover the benefits of IBL in education;
Help participants aknowledge all the methodologies to foster IBL;
Furnish tools to apply IBL to your teaching method;
Create a cross-cultural exchange and understanding with local colleagues on IBL.
Our courses, developed in the framework established by the Erasmus+ Programme, are crafted to include both formal and non-formal education methodologies. Starting with a theoretical approach to the theme of the course, we proceed with non-formal learning strategies in order to guarantee and stimulate an active contribution from the participants involved. In practice, we use: Presentations; Analysis of study cases; Discussions in the classroom; Role-plays; Technical visits to local private and public institutions; Conferences with local professionals to exchange good practices; Job shadowing experiences; Workshops to rethink old practices and introduce new ones.
€490/person. For accommodation and other costs please contact us at info@erasmusnet.org
We will hand out:​
Certificate of attendance, which will include title of course, main training content and dates;
Europass Mobility certificates issued by your NA and signed by us.
8-14 September 2019
11-15 May 2020
21-25 September 2020